Fun in Tokyo & Menu Plan Monday for June 13 – 17

June 13, 2011 at 5:31 pm Leave a comment

Hisa and I had a busy but fun time in Tokyo this weekend. Hisa had to have a medical check-up before his next interview at the U.S. Embassy (oh the joys of getting a green card), so we had to go to a particular clinic in Tokyo on Saturday morning to get that done.

Fortunately, it didn’t take too long, and then we were off to cause chaos and anarchy in Tokyo. Er, I mean check out and enjoy the sites!

We were already in Yebisu, so we headed to Yebisu beer museum (what else would we do while in Yebisu?).

If you’ve never been to a beer museum/factory/brewery, it’s quite fun.

You get to see the giant vat…things.

See old advertisement posters (1920’s anyone?).

See old beer bottles and labels that end up looking blurry because of the lights and a layer of glass (boo!).

But the best part of visiting any beer museum/factory/brewery, without a doubt, would have to be…

the beer at the end.

Does he look happy to be done with touring the museum, or what?

Mmmm, creamy top stout. I’m not actually looking at anything btw, I’m just contemplating the deliciousness of my creamy top stout Yebisu beer on a hot, sticky day.

I’ll tell more of our weekend Tokyo shenanigans tomorrow, but first, this week’s menu plan!

Menu Plan for June 13 – 17:

Entry filed under: Japan, Life, Menu Plan Monday, Travel. Tags: , , , , , .

Sausage, Egg, & Cheese Bread Fettuccine & Zucchini Carbonara

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My name is Rachel. I'm a small-town girl born and raised in Oklahoma, currently living in Japan, who likes cooking, baking, reading, working out, and traveling. Join me in my culinary adventures, my domestic doings, and the story of my life, one day at a time.

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June 2011
